
Personalise your leather case with a custom stamped name or initials, or even a word. The most popular option for embossing is using just two to three letters for the initials of the person the order is for. It’s a great idea for those giving cases and other leather goods as a gift.

  • Allowed symbols: All capital and lower case english letters, numbers, spaces and any of these symbols: . ( ) – + = / & ! ? ” ” : * < > # @ $ ♥
  • A limit of 12 symbols may be used as well as the symbols noted above
  • We are using only our branded classic font Time New Roman, small and capital letter height is about - 0,2inch ( 5mm ).
Technology: Letter embossing technology was invented in 15th century and has not changed a lot since then. Each symbol or text is mounted by hands, branding iron is heated to over 300 degrees Fahrenheit, then the leather is impressed until a nice rich, dark brown brand occurs.  Your initials or name are burnt into the leather creating a sharp and very stylish addition.